last weekend was a crazy one...what a great time hanging out with family and friends though! Friday night we started it out by having sushi with Kevin, Courtney, Cindy and Jared. Well, I had sushi, brad had chicken...always interesting to me - chicken at a sushi place, but it is always good! We then decide to hit the bowling lanes thanks to the Bloech's competive nature...needless to say - we beat them - we might not be able to beat them at video game bowling, but we killed them with the real thing. Go Cain's - chalk up another win! Courtney managed to hit herself with the ball and has a nice bruise now - hope it's getting better lady! Here are some pictures from the evening...
Brad and the ladies...

Me and the boys...

Of Course the can't miss Court and Brad pic...

Proof that Cindy is athletic

Saturday, we spent the day working and getting things was nice...we then hit the driving range so Brad can practice, he isn't so great right now - don't know what his problem is...then we headed to dinner with Scott, Heather and big she is getting - weigh in at the doctor's this week was 18 - hard to believe that just 6 months ago she graced us with her presence at 7 pounds (I might be a little wrong there, but close enough). Scott and Heather headed to a movie and then we watched the little angel...she is so precious - she screamed like a monkey to let us know she was there and we rocked her and she finally fell asleep and within the bed time frame that Heather provided us. We were a good Aunt and Uncle...I wanted to let her stay up - but she was tired...poor little thing had a long day! :) We had a long day as well - I passed out on the way home and woke up to Brad getting a speeding ticket for 67 in a 45 (and a construction zone) - he got out of it - thanks mr. officer! Don't know how he swung that one!!
Sunday, Kathy and Mark came into town and we had dinner with her side of the family at Blendon Woods. We couldn't have asked for better was so nice outside. Baby Caroline was there and is getting so very big - it was crazy to see Gracyn the night before and then Caroline the next day - got me excited for Gracyn and where she is going to be in a few months! I can't wait for her to crawl and walk!!! :)
Not much else has been going on - looking forward to relaxing this weekend and cleaning out more of my closets...this should get interesting! :) Hopefully I will be able to make some money! :)
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