Crazy end of the year it has been! We have been crazy busy finishing the year out and getting ready for 2009...can you believe it is 2009, it feels like we just got married last year...oh wait that was 2005!
What has been new with us...well, we received the best gift ever on October 27th...a new little addition to our home to be added on July 2nd (or close to that)...we are having a little baby! Can you believe it? I know it is so hard for some to believe that I am going to go thru this pain...but I am sure it is worth it - I hope I make it thru it!!! ;) I am avoiding the shows, the friend's stories...all of it...I will deal with it when it comes in July!! he he! We honestly feel truly blessed with this little miracle...I can't believe it is happening! We are in our 3rd month now and waiting anxiously to find out what we are having...we went back and forth on it so many times and finally decided to find out...we find out in February! We will not find out with the second one! I am sure it will be here before we know it, but I am getting a little antsy! :)
Other than that big news...we have just been trying to get thru the first trimester and get the house ready for a little baby! We had some time off this week, so we cleaned out the bedrooms and got the nursery all cleaned out - well now it is back to a day I tell ya! This will make it easy for Brad to paint! :) he he - he loves me!! :)
Well, that is the big update for us - I promise I will get better at updating this more often!!! I couldn't update before without sharing, so I avoided!!!
Monday, December 29, 2008
What a year...
Posted by brad, kate & ... at 11:07 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
simply love her...
Posted by brad, kate & ... at 6:28 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 26, 2008
what to do...
brad and i had our usual sunday afternoon date today, saw a movie and then grabbed is always the most relaxing way to spend the afternoon! he normally gets to pick the movie & today he picked "body of lies", it was an interesting movie about the war in the middle east and so on. i could have done without it - too much violence, but it got me thinking - it is something that is a serious issue for the middle east and us as we are in the middle of it. it makes you think of all those people over there giving up their lives to fight for our freedom, makes me feel pretty lucky. especially knowing that someone close to me might be headed over there soon and someone i know and love is currently in officer training...scary thoughts...but, it got me thinking about who i am going to vote for, i still don't know. i was home sick from "school" (that is what i am calling work these days) for two days. it was interesting as i was watching countless hours of tv how crazy election years are. i don't think that anyone really tells me what they believe in, stand for and will do for this country. all they do is tell us what the other person did, how wrong they are for the job and that is really it. well, how do you know all of that stuff is true, who do you believe and how do you decide? i was always raised republican, well my family isn't the most political in the world. when grandma was around it was, but my parents really aren't that crazy. so, do i vote republican because that is what i know - because even after being online tonight and looking for what the two people stand for - i am split - i don't know who to vote for - should it be Nader? i guess i only have a week to is to countless hours trying to figure it out!
this past week, we attended the funeral for my sister-in-laws father, Rick. it was hands down the most beautiful service I have ever heard. Rick was an incredible man, he made everyone laugh, he was always interested in what you were doing and how you were doing...he rarely ever talked about himself and was such an incredible father to Heather and her siblings - you could see the love that they all had for him. Rick will be missed more than anyone can ever imagine...he truly blessed this world in a way that not many do. i knew him, but not well by any means - I learned more about him on friday than I thought I would and all of it was amazing. He made people feel like a part of his family, he always had the best jokes and a laugh that was unlike anything else. my heart goes out to the Websters and everyone that was involved in Rick's life. He was truly an amazing person. When listening to the service, the minister made a comment that in Rick's prayer list, he said "pray for the guy who needs gas" it made me think - what if we were all like Rick, all praying for the guy that needed gas or food on the table or a job...i can imagine that this world would be a better place. Rick was helping this world be a better place and i challenge us all to follow in his footprints...
Posted by brad, kate & ... at 8:30 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 12, 2008
catching up...
Been a little while since I have posted anything...time has gotten away - AGAIN!
Courtney and little Remi
The most popular girl of the evening!
Kevin making his veggies
Brad and his incredible hanging abilities!
Posted by brad, kate & ... at 10:01 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
updated on us...
been a little while since we have written...what a crazy month it has been. we can't believe that it is almost scary fast the year has gone by! It seems like just yesterday was February!
The Biltmore - Brad can I move here?!?!?
Caroline in the Gardens
xoxox! More soon!
Posted by brad, kate & ... at 9:34 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 7, 2008
I have to say that Brad and I are extremely lucky to have the friends that we have, we wouldn't be who we are without them. Both of us are extremely blessed with the people that surround us. There are many of our friends that live so far away from us that we never get the chance to see. We both think about all of them often and always try to keep up with their lives, but so often the daily routine just gets in the way and you loose touch. Luckily, they are the type of friends who months can go by and it seems like you never missed a beat. I had the chance to catch up with one of my closest friends last weekend and it just made me miss her even more. It made me miss the days that I used to walk down the hallway and just say hi, it makes you remember how important those little moments are. Now, I treasure the 2 hour long phone conversations once a month catching up with her on her life and filling her in on mine. Sometimes life gets hard for them and it breaks my heart that I can't be there for them like I could if they lived in the same city or even create new memories now that we are older. I wish I could have it all - everyone I love right here next to me or me near them and my family and my job! It's sad how life works that way - I know that I have been horrible about getting out to visit and keeping in touch, but that is about to change, both Brad and I think and talk about these friends that live away from us! We miss you guys and love you all! We made an agreement that we would get out to see all of you soon! After all, who would we be without these people! Love you all, even our friends that are right here with us!
Posted by brad, kate & ... at 8:27 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 31, 2008
the last weekend of summer...
I can't believe how fast this summer has gone by - it seems like every year gets faster and faster! I guess that is what happens when you grow up!
We have had a crazy weekend to say the least. Friday night we celebrated our friend, Cindy's birthday at Brazenhead. What a fun night...some funny stories came out of it! Happy Birthday Cindy!!! Saturday I spent the day with my niece, Gracyn. We went to the zoo, it was so hot and the smell just got to me! GROSS! It was fun to see all the kids and little Gracyn waving at the fish as they swam by...she is so precious! Saturday night we went to dinner with our friends, Kevin and Courtney and then proceed to our bowling at the Goat. Brad and I usually end up in a fight, because I am not pulling my weight on the team and then we loose and he gets upset, but we actually won this time! Go us! I had three strikes in a row to give us a nice little lead! We also played cornhole and courtney and i won, like always! :) Today, Brad is playing golf and helping his sister move while I get things done around the house. I am going to go to Home Depot and see if they have any end of the summer sales on white rocking chairs for the front porch! Maybe we will finally use it if we have them! I went to the grocery and put everything away and did some feels good to have some time to myself! Tonight we are headed to my moms for dinner, it will be nice to have a home cooked meal and not have to worry about cooking!!! Tomorrow is just relaxing and nothing more! Can't wait!
Here are some pictures from this weekend!
The zoo makes me so tired!!!
Posted by brad, kate & ... at 12:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 24, 2008
happy birthday, grandpa
Grandpa just being Grandpa..
Grandpa and his friend/nap buddy, Palmer
The Family after dinner - Becca and Jason had to make a run for it - so they are missing...
Also, wanted to say Happy Birthday to Kathy, my mother in law...she shares a birthday with a very special man!
Posted by brad, kate & ... at 8:18 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
up at 4am home at 10pm
I used to be able to do day trips to new york and really not have a huge effect on me - I am getting old, officially. This is week two of day trips and I decided on the plane ride home that I am not a fan! Oh well, done for the month and then they start up again in September. Pays the bills I guess though!
Brad and I have been obsessed with the Olympics...we can't get enough of them - even if we know the outcome we have to watch them. I am somewhat excited for them to be over, so I can start to go to bed earlier! I just watched Shawn Johnson get her first gold medal - I creid seeing her parents so excited! What an accomplishment for her - I can't even imagine the work that has to go into something like that!
Well, I am off to bed...brad is already asleep on the couch! Kisses!
Posted by brad, kate & ... at 11:24 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
three years down, forever to go!!!
Brad and I celebrated our three year anniversary last night...we were both sitting there having a hard time believing that three years ago last night we said "i do" - time flies when you are having fun! We didn't get to do much celebrating last night as i arrived home late from new york - had to travel for work! Sad day, but someone has to pay the bills, right brad??? I got home around 10 and Brad had dessert from Cheesecake factory and a big smile waiting for me! he was so sweet to pick it up! We are going to head to dinner tonight to celebrate some more.
We continued the trend of the "family" gift...last year was a new patio and this year we both got Iphones! How exciting! August 21st will be the official roll-over to the new phone! Can't wait! We then decided to be a little more traditional and do the yearly gift that Hallmark gives a certain gift for, this year - leather, glass or crystal...Brad got a new wallet and i got replacement wine glasses that brad broke two years ago and my favorite bottle of wine! I was so excited for them to be back in my house - plan on breaking them out Friday night!!! Brad isn't allowed to touch them! It was a fun night - I wish we could have spent more time together, but we have forever to do that, right???
Thanks to everyone for the Happy Anniversary wishes...without you all - we wouldn't be here! The support we have as a couple is beyond amazing!!
Promise not too much time between posts! We have a crazy weekend ahead of us - will share all about it next week!
Posted by brad, kate & ... at 10:43 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
been awhile...
Posted by brad, kate & ... at 9:22 AM 1 comments
Monday, July 7, 2008
back from vacation...
So, we finally arrived back from vacation. I can't say that I am happy to be back, I miss biking to the beach, taking a walk on the beach at night, taking naps and not having anything to do. I miss it all. I miss hanging out with the family during the day and fun dinners at night. It was a good time...I miss it. However, it does feel good to sleep in my own bed. Why is your own bed the most amazing thing ever? I slept like I never have on Saturday night - it was like sleeping on clouds!
The ride home was a pretty emotional ride home. I found out that I needed to put my kitty of 15 years down...she was really sick and wasn't going to be able to make it another week, so today we put her down...RIP pretty Cali - RIP...
Here is my pretty kitty...I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU SOOO MUCH ALREADY!!!! Tell Grandpa, Grandma and Palmer I love them and miss then and I miss you too pretty kitty!
Posted by brad, kate & ... at 8:17 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Cain Cup - Day 2
Dan cacme out with a big win today, decreasing his lead from 14 strokes over Brad to 12 strokes. Brad didn't have the best of days - he took some big numbers on 17 & 18. Hopefully today will be a good day for him - I know he anxiously wants the cup back!
The weather has been amazing...brad and I have been biking everyday - looking at all the amazing houses around here that we can't afford, but would love to! The one I love is just $3M...not too much right - maybe 5 years from now??
We are playing golf this afternoon with Brian and Karin - hopefully I won't be horrible! Then we are going to head to dinner - and hopefully a walk on the beach! Until then I am debating going to the pool or the beach - probably the pool considering that the sand would be all over the place and I have to play this afternoon so not as much time!
Well, that is about it - hopefully we will have some big news in 2 days that Brad is once again the champ!
miss everyone and can't wait to see everyone again - back home on Sunday!
Posted by brad, kate & ... at 8:04 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Day 1 of the Cain Cup goes to...
BRAD! Well done, Love! Here are the current scores, they should be back in a couple hours with day 2 complete, but just day 1 update right now...
Brad - 85
Brian - 94
Dan - 99
It may look like he has a good lead, but let's hope he doesn't blow it! He won't - we have pep talks in the morning, so hopefully they help!
He managed to take a 9 on hole 18 and was a little upset - hit his club against his foot and we think managed to break his toe - pure idiot I am married to!!! :) Just kidding!
I managed to make it into Hilton Head Sunday night around midnight - 24 hours of straight travel is not something I ever want to do was awful! I will say though that my flight to Hilton Head was pure entertainment...this woman that was with me, was the loudest person I have ever met, okay and drunkest - she got arrested after the flight for throwing wine in the flight attendants face and for telling them to "F-off" and every other bad word known to was pretty entertaining...she was a character...said she was the cousin of Prince, but I don't know if I believe it - let's be honest, I don't know enough about Prince to know if it was true or not. She was a character though!
Well, I am typing as I sit by the pool and I need to move more into the sun - so I am out of here!
Posted by brad, kate & ... at 10:12 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
so for all of you who keep up on the weather in Hong Kong - okay - so who does that? We had a leave 8 typhoon last night and today - it was a little scary. Please keep in mind that until this morning when I was talking to Brad - I had no idea what a typhoon was. But, it was a level 8 out of 10 and I did survive it! I will say the water was scary enough for me to look away. The hotel assured us that the windows were typhoon proof, but if something flying thru the air hit them, they might not be safe and to stay away. So, I did because there were things flying everywhere. I tried to get a good pix, but it just looked like nothing, so I stopped trying! We weren't allowed to leave the hotel before 1, so at one we packed up and headed to the office to try and get some work done. I have to say I am completely impressed with the work ethic of Hong Kong people - they were all headed into work after the warning was reduced to a level 3...amazing...I would have stayed at home...guess I need to work on that one. The streets look like after an OSU game...trash and stuff was gross...the city isn't the cleanest of them all, and add that level - not the best. So all in all, I survived my first typhoon - hope there isn't another one before we fly...or there isn't one while we are flying - pretty scary right Dan??? Hope it doesn't happen.
I just found out that Kathy, my mother-in-law had her knee surgery this past weekend - sorry I didn't call - I thought it was this upcoming weekend!! I hope that everything went well - I am thinking of you and praying for your quick recovery!
On another note, I miss home. I wish I was at home...I miss all the little things...the food, my family, my Brad, my friends, my little Gracyn, okay - so she is scott and heather's but she just makes me smile! Plus she learned to sit on her own and she looked so cute sitting there with us - can't wait till she gets a little bigger and she can talk with us too!
We are halfway thru the trip - well after today we will be and I am ready to head back home and meet up with Brad on vacation - can't wait love!!
Until another day! xoxoxoxoxoxo
Posted by brad, kate & ... at 2:29 AM 1 comments
Monday, June 23, 2008
arrived and safe
for those of you who are wondering - I arrived last night and am all safe here in hong kong! one word came to mind when i walked off the plane - HOT! it is SO hot and humid here, oh my - thank goodness for air conditioning!
the flight was great - 15 hours in one spot is always fun! everyone should really try it sometime! gives you a lot of time to think, sleep and get things done that typically you run out of time to do - aka read! I read a book, it was pretty good - great summer read - "the guy not taken" written by Jennifer W, who wrote "in her shoes". I did sleep a lot which was nice - probably most of the trip! It was something I think I needed...seems like life has been such a rush lately that it really was nice to have the time to just relax.
the crazy work week started this morning at 730 - on a slight little break right now - was getting a little tired and too many side bar conversations going on - so I am blogging - great use of time huh??? It is 4pm now - dinner with a vendor tonight and shopping before hand - looking forward to that - hope I don't come home with a new handbag - will keep you all posted if I do! :) Brad might hurt me should i! starts all over tomorrow! hopefully we will get some time in to check somethings out around the town! Vacation starts on Sunday after my long long flight home - can't wait!!! YEAH FOR THE BEACH!
I miss everyone so much!!
Posted by brad, kate & ... at 3:59 AM 1 comments
Monday, June 9, 2008
changing to our blog...
it is amazing that we just thought of this - we have friends out of state, family in southern OH, people whom we don't speak with very often and family moving to NC and sometimes those people check in to see what we are up to - they will want to know about Brad more often - not just this whole change makes sense...while I mention brad - it isn't the same - so he is included now...this is going to be about our life...our travels, our weekends, our news and our fun will be a perfect change...however, I don't see brad writing a lot, maybe he won't want to, he will at least be included!
This weekend, Brad was amazing! I was at home sick with who knows what and Brad played 36 holes on Saturday - he is getting a little better, but not much! He met me at my mom's for dinner and he then came home - helped me do the laundry and then I went to tired! Sunday morning he got up and took care of the yard - he did everything - watered, cut down, everything - it was so nice of him and I appreciated it so much - I slept all morning trying to get over this stupid summer cold I have. He then washed my car & nice of him - it can't be an easy car to wash! He was so clean today when I drove him to work today and he was so happy to be so clean! Yes, I am talking about the car! :)
So, the change to our blog is the only news I know of to date...maybe more to come. Keep checking back, I am headed to the Kong again on June 20th, so hopefully some more pictures and fun updates from the Kong...then Brad and I are headed to the Cain Cup - I will be sure to post daily results for those of you cheering Brad on...hope he gets the cup back this year...I will be at the beach or pool reading books - goal of 2 for the week!
Posted by brad, kate & ... at 5:58 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
weekend in review
last weekend was a crazy one...what a great time hanging out with family and friends though! Friday night we started it out by having sushi with Kevin, Courtney, Cindy and Jared. Well, I had sushi, brad had chicken...always interesting to me - chicken at a sushi place, but it is always good! We then decide to hit the bowling lanes thanks to the Bloech's competive nature...needless to say - we beat them - we might not be able to beat them at video game bowling, but we killed them with the real thing. Go Cain's - chalk up another win! Courtney managed to hit herself with the ball and has a nice bruise now - hope it's getting better lady! Here are some pictures from the evening...
Me and the boys...
Of Course the can't miss Court and Brad pic...
Posted by brad, kate & ... at 10:47 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 26, 2008
lesson's learned...
going to get a little serious on the holiday weekend...the other day I was driving to work, listening to my IPOD when Carrie Underwood's "Lesson's Learned" song came was interesting to listen to the words and see how easy they were to live by & each day this weekend I have thought about it.
Everyday, you learn apply it to your life....and then the page turns - why -because it should. Not ever does time stand have to embrace what you just learned, what you just went thru and apply and always remember. More importantly, I think all of us at one time in our lives look back and wonder if something would have gone a different way or can't move past something that went on - the song goes on to talk about how thru life there are always things that you wish you could undo, but you can't - bridges you wish you didn't burn - there are always tears that fell and you wondered if you would make it thru the night or the next day for that matter...the past can't be rewritten, live the life you were given. Be grateful for all the breaks in your heart...all the things that break you are what make you strong, you can't change the past - you have to move on - it's all about the lessons learned. Tears fall for everyone, sometimes its hard to embrace the changes that have been thrown your way, but you will be able to get thru it!
It was comforting to think of all the lessons I have learned throughout my life...I wouldn't be an ounce of who I am today without each of them - good and bad. I am thankful for all the breaks in my heart, because they have already made me a better person and I am not letting anyone stand in the way of that! Never did I say I was perfect - who is??? After all, its all pages turned - but lessons were always times we always want a second chance and sometimes we are given them, but to really impact a second chance you have to live it and not look back - how can you live if you keep looking back.
Just something to think about - I know it was a little rambled...but hey I am not perfect! Someday I just hope that I figure out this thing called gets hard than easy then hard again...looking around - it can't be that bad!!
The reason for the blogging about song lyrics...I have a good friend who is so into music and was always making me listen to lyrics and we would talk about them - always pointing out the best thoughts from song lyrics! The other day after years of not talking with this person I found myself doing that same thing again - this time I just didn't have anyone to talk to them about - so I blogged them! same thing right???
hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend!!!
Happy Anniversary to Cindy and Jared - love you both so much!
Posted by brad, kate & ... at 8:04 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
week in review...
been awhile since I last blogged...guess the days have gotten away from me! Oh well - what can you do? Here is a quick catch up on my life...
Two weeks ago we had an amazing was mother's day weekend. Friday night Brad and I caught up after a long week by grilling steaks and staying in to watch a movie...needless to say it ended up being us in bed by 10pm...we are getting so old! We were traveling down to cincy the next morning, so it was probably a good thing. We headed to the gym to work out and then headed down to Brad's mom's house to have dinner and hang out for a bit. It was a beautiful day and we had a great time. We headed home that evening and got back home around 1030...for the first time ever I stayed awake the whole trip! Normally i sleep most of the way down, but I made it this time! I was so proud! We went to bed shortly after we got home as we had to be at Scotty's by 945 for Gracyn's baby dedication the next day. So here is the good part...Gracyn is hands down the cutest little thing you have ever seen! She feel asleep during her dedication and woke up with the minster took at least she was awake for hers, but slept thru all the other kids! Her name, Gracyn, means pleasant and her middle name Ann, means Grace...perfect fit for her! Makes you think about how a name can impact a person! Love that little girl! She looked so pretty in pink too! She had on a dress that my mom made for was so precious! We had lunch with the Webster's, mom, dad and the Alexanders...then I took a nap while the boys watched golf...
Little Gracyn in her Dedication Dress
Here is the fun news from last weekend though - I got new golf clubs, so watch out LPGA...I am a comin! The game is fixed and I am ready to play!
Well, that is about it - looking forward to a long weekend this weekend and being able to relax! More to come and it won't be so long again!
Posted by brad, kate & ... at 1:43 PM 1 comments
Thursday, May 8, 2008
catching up...
been a little bit since the last time i posted anything. trying to see what is new in our lives...not much...we seem to be living a pretty average life these days, with all the hustle from both brad and i's jobs, it has been nice laying low on the weekends and just catching up on things around the house. brad hasn't gotten to play as much golf has he probably had hoped to by this time in the season. most of that at the fault of the weather...stupid rain. we are going to try to get out and play on friday night - hopefully the weather will hold off for us! fingers crossed.
last weekend we started to help mom and everyone else clean out grandpa's was amazing to me how little he had given how long he lived there....i guess he wasn't the pack rat he could have been. trying to think where my mom got this lovely trait of hers! it was sad to see his wood shop with some of his unfinished projects and all of his tools that he loved so much. hopefully he is pounding away up in heaven!
update on small other things...
face cream - i found one and i love it! Arbonne, it's amazing...everyone should try it
black handbag - found one and love it even more than the face cream...someday soon if i come in under my clothing budget for 3 months...the countdown has begun...
sticking to brad's budget - made some massive improvements over previous months...i am proud of myself!
working out - doing a little better, need to improve - going to the gym tonight!
so other than that - i have just been hanging out with brad and not doing anything too crazy!
well, hope everyone has an incredible mother's day and enjoys the weekend.
Posted by brad, kate & ... at 10:41 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Crazy Weekend...
Saturday marked the two month anniversary of when my Grandpa decided it was time to be with Grandma again. I spent most of the weekend thinking of him and missing him all over again...I still wonder why he had to leave so fast and wish that we had him back, but I understand that is selfish and God was ready for him to be where he is now. It was a rough day from that standpoint, but he is in a better place now! I have to keep reminding myself of that!
On Sunday, Brad and I moved the patio furniture outside and set up the patio for the spring/summer season! Anyone who wants to help break it in, give us a call! We are always up for drinks and grilling out! I will post pictures of our flowers once they start growing! Hopefully I can keep them alive!
Hope everyone is having a great week! XOXOXO
Posted by brad, kate & ... at 9:40 AM 1 comments
Thursday, April 24, 2008
stop and smell the roses
This past week i was in NY for work and what a quick trip it was. 500am flight on Wednesday and home Thursday evening. I have been to NY so many times, I forget what it is like to really visit the city...I never do tourist things, I just kind of work until it is time to go to dinner, eat dinner, have a couple drinks with some friends and then straight back to the hotel to get some much needed sleep - oh I shouldn't forget that most times I leave time for shopping. Typically I stay in SOHO, so I am far from all the fun...this time, I stayed in Times Square...what a crazy place that is! After dinner on Wednesday night I walked with my designer to help her catch a cab and walk off some of the amazing Italian food I had just had. There were all these people standing in the middle of the road taking pictures of Times Square - it hit me that I never had been a tourist in the city...I never take the time to do things like I started this week, I took my picture in the middle of Times I am sure you are so proud - it had to be a fun picture...a boring one just wasn't going to do! So here it is...Fun times I tell ya! I bought something from a street vendor and almost got killed by a cab...doing all tourist things! Well, not many, but enough to make me happy! I will say everytime I am there, I wish I had taken the chance and moved there for a couple of years...what an amazing city...everything happens for a reason though right???
Hugs and Kisses!!!
Posted by brad, kate & ... at 11:49 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Been awhile...
Posted by brad, kate & ... at 11:07 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Spring is in the air...
So, it was officially a nice weekend! For those of you who don't live here in Ohio, it was finally nice - so exciting isn't it?? I wish I would have spent more time outside! There was too much to do indoors! OOPs! More nice weather to come this week and I hopefully will be out in it all week, so no worries!
What a nice weekend it was, we caught up with old friends who we have not seen in almost 6 weeks - kind of crazy to think that it had been that long, they are such dear friends of ours - 6 weeks seems too long without a little cindy and jared time! It was fun though - we had dinner at Marcellas at Polaris. Felt like I was back in Italy - everyone should try it out!
Saturday morning, we got up, ate breakfast and then I got drug to the gym...for those of you who are wondering how I am doing with that New Year's resolution of working out - made it three days this week and have plans for five days next week! I am actually doing it - don't want to let anyone down! Saturday evening - what a fun night - we babysat our niece, Caroline and our other niece Gracyn came over to help, with her parents that is! It was so fun and interesting to see how they interact, Caroline is exactly 5 months older than Gracyn, so it was fun to see what she might be like here soon!! We had such a blast playing with Caroline and Gracyn...they are so cute and we are so blessed that they are in our life! I have to say - they wore us out - we were so tired by the time we got home! Sunday we made it to the gym again GO ME! I actually made it thru the whole 50 minute cardio without feeling like I was going to get sick or getting too bored! I am making such good progress! We went to the grocery and then made dinner together and enjoyed a bottle of felt like summer - can't wait for it to come!!!
Well other than the two good nights on Friday and Saturday, this week was a rough week, I can't say that I am sad it is over, but lessoned learned was that family/friends are the most important thing given to you in your life...who would you be without the people that shape you and help you thru the roughest times! I am blessed to have the family/friends that I have and I love them so much! where would I be without you guys? Thanks for all the support and prayers this year...I appreciate it more than any of you know! I do hope that this year starts to turn around...we need it!!!!
The quote in my planner today, really hit home to me, so I thought I would share...
Posted by brad, kate & ... at 10:49 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
RIP Palmer...
Posted by brad, kate & ... at 10:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: The worst week of 2008...
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
The fun in dysfunction...
So, it used to be that my old team at VSS always said we put the fun in dysfunction...and I believe that we did! We had more drama than a group of high school girls, but we had a really good time, well those of us that got along! :) I miss that team...
But, this blog is dedicated to a little (well he isn't so little) black lab, Palmer, who hands down puts the fun in dysfunction! To give a little background, he is a 13 year old dog who loves cheese, salmon, treats, picking on Cali, sleeping on beds, chasing squirrels and bunnies and being a little rascal when he wanted to - only because he knew he could get away with it because he is sooo cute! Well, he has grown ill and isn't doing well...we stopped over to see him last night and he has lost weight, has a painful look in his eyes and just isn't his normal self. He has a stomach problem and we hope that he can make it thru it, but so far he hasn't eaten anything in 9 days and you can tell the thought of food just makes him sick! As a person you feel helpless because you don't know how much pain he is in, what he wants you to do for him and how to help him!
But, after we talked about the little guy and what the options were, we filled Brad in on how dysfunctional and FUN he was when he was younger. He almost made mom move out - he was so bad all the time, whether he was chewing up the couch, chewing shoes, digging in the front yard or whatever else he would do. He was the entertainment of the neighborhood, he would run circles around the house, chase cars and bikers as much as he could before he got shocked, he befriended the UPS man, he would run away to see his girlfriends (he had a lot of them) and would get the scent of a bunny and take off - running far far away! He got put it Jail often for being bad and all you could see was his eyes sparkling and a look of - "I would so do that again" when you looked at him in his jail cell. But, on the other side he is the most compassionate dog ever...he knew when you were sad and would come to you and not leave until you told him to go, he would look at you with his big eyes and it would make a bad day turn amazing. He greeted you everyday when you got home, if he was in jail, his tail thumped loud enough that you knew he would have been there! You could never say no to this guy and never did you want to because of all the joy he brought to you! He is an amazing part of our family!
Get better little guy - we love you and this place won't be the same without you - so get better!!!
Posted by brad, kate & ... at 9:03 AM 1 comments
Sunday, March 30, 2008
I was cleaning out some of my college things today and came across a quote that I wrote down, not sure when, but it must have had an impact on me when I wrote it down and it did again today when I found it is...
Posted by brad, kate & ... at 12:38 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Thank goodness, I have finally adjusted from the jet lag and feel like I am back to normal! What a great feeling. No more falling asleep at 930 on a Friday night, having to take a nap at 8pm on a Saturday to be able to make it to 11 o'clock! It feels good to be back!
So, more thoughts on life, love and the pursuit of happiness...the weather is starting to warm up and it is getting to feel a little more like spring. I don't know about everyone else, but I need that! The winter is just going on and on and the uggs are ready to be retired...please winter go away!
Last Sunday was Easter and what a fun holiday it was. It was the first without Grandpa and I found myself tearing up not having his stories heard or laughing at him when he was on his 3rd drink and then letting us all know that he hadn't had red wine in awhile and you are supposed to have a glass a day, so he had some catching up to do. It was hard and I can imagine Christmas Eve will even be harder. Back to Easter, we had Easter dinner at our house and we had Brad's family over as well as some of my family. It was a fun night, I hope everyone enjoyed it. It was fun to have two different families together & celebrate! I decided that we need a bigger house because we can only fit 8 at our dining room table and our family is just too big - a good problem to have. I was very excited to see Baby Caroline...she is so cute and has started to move around...she was the entertainment of the evening for a little bit! She is so cute I could just squeeze her! Other than that, we had good conversation, watched some basketball and ate some good food!
Basketball - a new topic of conversation...what is going on with the teams this year - doesn't seem like any of the shoe ins are playing well at all - kind of disappointing, but great to see some other teams shine for once. Michigan State was able to beat Pitt, Grandpa would have been so proud, Dave and Cam are a little upset, but they will be able to move past it! :) Seems from the talk around the office that it will be an interesting one as to who wins the pools!
Well, I had better get back to work! Hope everyone had a great weekend and enjoy the week ahead of you!
Posted by brad, kate & ... at 9:20 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
24 hours later...
I arrived back in the states with no sleep and wanting a shower! The plane ride home was a bumby one at one point I was wondering if we were going to make it back alive - it is all over now, so I feel good to be on the ground! We were delayed in Chicago for a bit and that was a little hard - being so close to home, but yet still having so much time until you get there is never a fun thing. Brad picked me up from the airport, we got carryout and then headed home to watch some TV and relax. I passed out around 11 and woke up at 3pm this afternoon - I woke up for about a minute to say goodbey to Brad and then back to sleep. Needless to say I feel like I could still sleep for 12 more hours and then feel okay! I plan on going to bed early tonight - the rest of the week and weekend will be too crazy and I won't be able to catch up then!
So, more about the plane ride - 15 hours without sleeping and no where to go gives you a lot of time to think. My good friend, Cam, gave me a great book for my birthday..."males, nails & sample sales - everything a woman must know to be smarter, savvier and saner sooner". It was a great little read and I loved it! Some of you know I am not the best saver, in the book it talks about neccessities versus luxurys. I never thought about fashion as a neccessity - always a want, and I try to always get what I want (being really honest here). Well, now thinking about it as a neccessity seems scary, but here is where the good stuff comes in - a prada handbag is a luxury, a new pair of expensive shoes are a luxury. Luxuries don't have to be purchased all the time, they are more appreciated when purchased every once and awhile. So, that is my new stance...only every once and awhile. She goes on to talk about what all women need...a great moisturizer, an amazing leather black handbag that is seasonless, a great white shirt (button down and tee) and a personal shopper to call for those last minute needs. Okay, the list goes on, but these things I don't have - so I am on the look out...these are also viewed as luxuries because they last so long...excited to start shopping for the great leather handbag...if anyone has an recs for the moisturizer I am open!
So, this book also got me thinking about those New Year Resolutions that I made and have not stuck too, so I am telling the world...and I can't let them down - so here it goes...
Work out and get in shape
Save more money
Follow Brad's Budget
Hope I can do it! Well, I am going to head to bed now! Hope everyone has a great week!!!
Posted by brad, kate & ... at 9:31 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 17, 2008
Last Night in the Kong...
So, the trip has finally come to an end...needless to say I am dreading and looking forward to the flight tomorrow...14 hours, 4 hour layover and an another hour flight is going to be a rough day when all I want to be is home and back to the little is what I miss the most...
saying hi to brad every morning, being able to drive to work and know exactly where I am going or being able to tell the cab driver where I need to be with my voice and not a card, being able to eat a small breakfast and be okay because I know lunch will be something I can eat and not jellyfish, my bed, TV shows that are actually current, understanding what people are saying, having my own desk without 20 people having 20 different conversations around you!
I will say that this has been a trip for the record books, it was fun and we saw a lot thanks to the people who were with us that are over here all the time. We shopped at some of the best shops, ate on the top of a hotel overlooking the harbor, walked around seeing the cultures and what the day and night life is like, we finished so many things for work that would have taken months had we not been here, we were able to be self sufficient by the end of the trip which was a huge succes, drank with a ton of different cultures and even managed to get in an argument with some UT students that OSU is actually a good football program - a little OH-IO never sounded so good - I miss it!
Well, it is getting late and I had better get to bed so I can get up and get to the sirport for the long flight home!
Hope to see everyone soon! Hugs and Kisses...
Posted by brad, kate & ... at 11:31 AM 1 comments
Sunday, March 16, 2008
The Day Off...
Posted by brad, kate & ... at 11:25 AM 1 comments
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Margs in Hong Kong...
Yesterday was an eventful day - we were able to attend the company annual dinner and it was one of the neatest things I have seen. They had the Chinese Dragon Dance and the backstreet boy of Hong Kong sang. The dinner was okay, but the entertainment was enough to last a lifetime! Too funny for words! Had a great time & felt great to be part of such a great organization...granted we are their clients, but still - it was so fun!
So that was the fun part of the day - we did some factory visits in China and I will say it was pretty amazing to see how product goes from one stage to the next. Being in China was interesting too - I am just glad that I didn't have a fever and was able to make it back across the border! :) It was an interesting experience to see such a different culture, but I will say that sticking to the Hong Kong side is the right thing to do!
Well, I am so tired and it is almost 1030, so I am going to head to bed, but I wanted to say hello to everyone! Can't wait to be back in the states next week! I miss it!!
Posted by brad, kate & ... at 9:56 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Day 4 and beyond tired...
Hey everyone! I miss everyone so much! I have to say though - Hong Kong is unlike anything I expected.
I am on Day 4 and beyond tired...I sleep about 3 hours a night - waking up at 3am and ready to go...3pm hits and I am about to pass out we have been working like crazy trying to finish up the line and it is starting to look so amazing! 14 hour work days on 3 hours of sleep is a little tough!
So, more about Hong Kong...I feel like a giant...everyone over here is so short!!! :) The city itself is very nice, but I have not been able too see too much of it. Hopefully this weekend. The food is okay - I ate jellyfish - just to be nice. Last night I had Italian and that was a nice change...enough about food I am getting hungry! The smog over here is unbelievable - I have a nice view of the harbor in my room and you can't even see the mountains, all covered up with the smog from China.
On the news over here they are discussing getting ready for the Olympics...everything they are doing needs to be done...the elevator is a rush and you get psuhed around like you are nothing...they are starting to fine people in China if you don't form a line and be nice to everyone. I guess you get fined for spitting on people too, haven't had that happen yet thank goodness!!!What else - let's think here...hopefully I will have more to write soon!
We are headed to China today to see some factories...I am a little nervous about that...didn't bring the right shoes either - only heels and they are telling me that we are going to be walking a ton - oops! Oh well - I can handle a day in heels more than people think!
Well, I had better try to get my 530 am nap in!
More to come - hopefully I will start to see more of the city soon!
P.S. That flight was AWFUL!!!! 14 hours is such a long time to be on a plane!
Posted by brad, kate & ... at 5:21 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Blizzard of 2008
Was supposed to be arriving in Hong Kong today, but with the lovely winter weather, I am still in OH...kind of glad - as of Friday afternoon, I wasn't packed, wasn't even ready to begin packaging, so it was a blessing to say the least! Plus Brad and I were able to spend some more time together!
So, speaking of Brad - doesn't he think he is a little rockstar. He couldn't stand being in the house all day, so we ventured out. At first I was a little scared, but we made it all the way to Easton and back twice! Well, we almost did - we stopped over at Kevin's to say hello and see Rals play in the snow - so cute! Anyhow, we got stuck in our own neighborhood - needless to say - it was funny! Big thanks to Kevin to helping us push our way out.
As Brad says, "He lives for driving in this stuff"! I was laughing so hard...he then went on to explain how he and Brian used to do doughnuts in the road on the way home from school...Please give us a daughter, don't know if I can handle boys!!!
I have to also say this is the first time I have really missed skiing...with all this snow all that kept running thru my mind was heading up to the mountains with my friend Brandee and hitting the slopes...seems like the snow is a big waste around here - not one person can ski in Columbus! :) It was good to see such a beautiful snow - but I am so ready for Spring - when is it coming?
If I could figure out how to post pictures, I would post some of how tall the drifts are at our house, but I have no idea...gotta figure that one out!
Well, hopefully tomorrow morning I will be off to the Pacific...we fly over that ocean right?? I will keep everyone posted on the trip and put some pix up too! Miss everyone already!
Posted by brad, kate & ... at 11:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 2, 2008
missing him...
I have always wanted to put my thoughts down and see how it makes me feel, does it help you move past, does it help you deal with situations you are in because it doesn't keep you awake at night? So, with the events of this past week, I am officially starting the blog that I have always wanted t, a o.
This past week, I lost one of the most important men in my life, my grandfather. He was such an amazing man. Someone you looked at and always wanted to be like...his character was unlike anyone I have ever met - it was his own. He had his own strong opinions on life and everything else. He stood by them and believed he knew what was best for himself and his family. He loved life and lived it to its fullest. He was supposed to be here forever, he was supposed to be on the today show with his 100th birthday and Willard Scott saying, "contributes his long life to, reading, martinis and my grandchildren keeping me young". He was 13 years shy of that 100th birthday and I am forever sad about that.
He died unexpectedly, so I never really got to say goodbye, I never got to give him that last hug and kiss goodbye. I didn't get to hear that "hey there old girl" with a clap and a big hug waiting at the end. I never got to give him a great-grandchild, a Chestnut tree or any of the other things that I wanted to do for him. I regret so much right now that it just hurts. It is painful on the inside and out...I wasn't ready for him to die. I started thinking that that is too selfish...I wasn't ready for him to die, but maybe he was ready to go and I just have to start to deal with that.
So, that is what I am doing right now, grieving for the man that left my life...I miss him and I love him and not a day goes by that I won't think of him. I am so blessed to have the time that I had with him and most importantly have him in my life.
I will say though, that thru his death it taught me that there might not be a tomorrow, so live today like it is the fullest...say everything you want, tell everyone you love them and those who are voting against you - forget them, surround yourself with people that love you and support you. With people who want you to be everything you can and you want the same for them. Time is short and tomorrow might never happen for you, so why live with regrets, why live with what if's? Why do that to yourself, say what you have to say and live life the way you want and don't worry about anyone else who doesn't want the best for you. These are words that are hard to implement, but after loosing someone who was so important to me with no notice, I have decided to live by them...
I am now going to have to live with the what if I would have gone and seen my grandpa the night before he died instead of working late? Would I have given him the hug I didn't give him on Sunday? Would he have really known before he died that he was important as he was to me? I don't want any of my friends or family to ever wonder how I felt about them, so I love you all and I am so blessed to have you in my life. I know sometimes I get too busy to say it, but I love you all so much, more than I can express.
I want to give a big thank you and I love you to my husband, Brad. I couldn't have even made it thru a moment of this week without your support. This has been the lowest time for me since we were married and I am truly blessed to have you in my life. Thanks for letting me cry whenever I wanted and letting me breakdown when I needed to. I couldn't have made it thru it without you. You are an amazing person and as my Grandpa always said, I am lucky to have you in my life. Here is to our life together - making it all it can be.
To my family and friends who were there for me this week, you are amazing and I love you all!
Posted by brad, kate & ... at 9:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: The worst week of 2008...