Today would have been my grandfather's 88th birthday. He passed away 7 months ago Tuesday, I can't believe how fast the 7 months have gone by, it feels like just yesterday he was here with us. I guess that is a good thing, it means his memory is living on, I still just wish he was here with us. My family and I went to dinner to celebrate my uncle's 60th and then to also have a toast to my grandpa. My Aunt made these amazing notebooks of my grandpa's life for us to have. I couldn't even look at it - it made me cry, but was the sweetest thing ever. It makes you realize what an amazing life he had and all the accomplishments he made...he did so many amazing things, but yet, he never let you know. I learned a lot about him thru that still made me super sad he is still not here to do more accomplishments or to hear about all the things we have done. He was always so proud of us and so excited to share what we were up to. He always let us know too...he was such an amazing grandpa! I know Scott wishes that he could have told Grandpa that they are expecting their second child in March. He would have had some funny reaction to it!
In the notebook there was a copy of his eulogy that I had the privilege to read 7 months ago...I wanted to share the "if Heaven" part again as it completely sums up my grandfathers life...
If Heaven were a meal, it would be chili, Grandma's tomatoes only please.
If Heaven were a voice, it would be Rush Limbaugh or Paul Harvey at 110 decibels on 610
If Heaven were a project, it would be a wood project that his granddaughters would treasure for the rest of their lives
If Heaven were a candy, it would be a butterscotch, fresh out of the state car
If Heaven were a tree, it would be a Christmas tree, not his favorite tree, but they did all for the collections of social security payments
If Heaven were a dessert, it would be a tin roof sundae, not ordered by scoops, but by fistfuls
If Heaven were a sign, it would be a sign made out of Pabst Blue Ribbon box - $21 for Christmas trees, prices rarely of course included - don't tip my grandkids to much for hauling it to the car or they might quit
If heaven were a lost and found, his pants lost in Selarno Italy would be on top
If Heaven were a smell, it would be the odor of a good bonfire in the fall, weenie roast ready
If Heaven were a town, it would be Amlin - his town, any sunny summer day with a view of his garden would be fine
If Heaven were a store, it would be Patch's store with house accounts and bills that were kept in lard jars
If Heaven were a neighbor, it would be Judy, bikini and all
If Heaven were a drink, it would be a martini, cheap vodka is fine...and extra one if the game was close
If Heaven were a lucky charm, it would be a buckeye
If Heaven were a symbol, it would be the stars and stripes, flying high above US Naval Vessels in the bay of Okinawa
If Heaven were a vacation it would be Vermont, last two weeks of September or first two weeks of October, the only time to go
If Heaven were a game, it would Jeopardy, winning every time
It makes me sad to sit here and think of all the people he will never meet, his great grandchildren, his soon to be grandkids-in-law. He loved us all the same and we all loved him so much! It breaks my heart that our children will have never known him, but we will keep him alive in our hearts, so he will live on. What an incredible man he was! I love him and miss him!
Here are some pictures of him that just make me laugh...
Grandpa on his Big Green Machine
Grandpa just being Grandpa..

Grandpa and his friend/nap buddy, Palmer
The Family after dinner - Becca and Jason had to make a run for it - so they are missing...

Also, wanted to say Happy Birthday to Kathy, my mother in law...she shares a birthday with a very special man!