going to get a little serious on the holiday weekend...the other day I was driving to work, listening to my IPOD when Carrie Underwood's "Lesson's Learned" song came on...it was interesting to listen to the words and see how easy they were to live by & each day this weekend I have thought about it.
Everyday, you learn something...you apply it to your life....and then the page turns - why -because it should. Not ever does time stand still...you have to embrace what you just learned, what you just went thru and apply and always remember. More importantly, I think all of us at one time in our lives look back and wonder if something would have gone a different way or can't move past something that went on - the song goes on to talk about how thru life there are always things that you wish you could undo, but you can't - bridges you wish you didn't burn - there are always tears that fell and you wondered if you would make it thru the night or the next day for that matter...the past can't be rewritten, live the life you were given. Be grateful for all the breaks in your heart...all the things that break you are what make you strong, you can't change the past - you have to move on - it's all about the lessons learned. Tears fall for everyone, sometimes its hard to embrace the changes that have been thrown your way, but you will be able to get thru it!
It was comforting to think of all the lessons I have learned throughout my life...I wouldn't be an ounce of who I am today without each of them - good and bad. I am thankful for all the breaks in my heart, because they have already made me a better person and I am not letting anyone stand in the way of that! Never did I say I was perfect - who is??? After all, its all pages turned - but lessons were always learned...at times we always want a second chance and sometimes we are given them, but to really impact a second chance you have to live it and not look back - how can you live if you keep looking back.
Just something to think about - I know it was a little rambled...but hey I am not perfect! Someday I just hope that I figure out this thing called life...it gets hard than easy then hard again...looking around - it can't be that bad!!
The reason for the blogging about song lyrics...I have a good friend who is so into music and was always making me listen to lyrics and we would talk about them - always pointing out the best thoughts from song lyrics! The other day after years of not talking with this person I found myself doing that same thing again - this time I just didn't have anyone to talk to them about - so I blogged them! same thing right???
hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend!!!
Happy Anniversary to Cindy and Jared - love you both so much!
Monday, May 26, 2008
lesson's learned...
Posted by brad, kate & ... at 8:04 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
week in review...
been awhile since I last blogged...guess the days have gotten away from me! Oh well - what can you do? Here is a quick catch up on my life...
Two weeks ago we had an amazing weekend...it was mother's day weekend. Friday night Brad and I caught up after a long week by grilling steaks and staying in to watch a movie...needless to say it ended up being us in bed by 10pm...we are getting so old! We were traveling down to cincy the next morning, so it was probably a good thing. We headed to the gym to work out and then headed down to Brad's mom's house to have dinner and hang out for a bit. It was a beautiful day and we had a great time. We headed home that evening and got back home around 1030...for the first time ever I stayed awake the whole trip! Normally i sleep most of the way down, but I made it this time! I was so proud! We went to bed shortly after we got home as we had to be at Scotty's by 945 for Gracyn's baby dedication the next day. So here is the good part...Gracyn is hands down the cutest little thing you have ever seen! She feel asleep during her dedication and woke up with the minster took her...so at least she was awake for hers, but slept thru all the other kids! Her name, Gracyn, means pleasant and her middle name Ann, means Grace...perfect fit for her! Makes you think about how a name can impact a person! Love that little girl! She looked so pretty in pink too! She had on a dress that my mom made for her...it was so precious! We had lunch with the Webster's, mom, dad and the Alexanders...then I took a nap while the boys watched golf...
Little Gracyn in her Dedication Dress
Here is the fun news from last weekend though - I got new golf clubs, so watch out LPGA...I am a comin! The game is fixed and I am ready to play!
Well, that is about it - looking forward to a long weekend this weekend and being able to relax! More to come and it won't be so long again!
Posted by brad, kate & ... at 1:43 PM 1 comments
Thursday, May 8, 2008
catching up...
been a little bit since the last time i posted anything. trying to see what is new in our lives...not much...we seem to be living a pretty average life these days, with all the hustle from both brad and i's jobs, it has been nice laying low on the weekends and just catching up on things around the house. brad hasn't gotten to play as much golf has he probably had hoped to by this time in the season. most of that at the fault of the weather...stupid rain. we are going to try to get out and play on friday night - hopefully the weather will hold off for us! fingers crossed.
last weekend we started to help mom and everyone else clean out grandpa's house...it was amazing to me how little he had given how long he lived there....i guess he wasn't the pack rat he could have been. trying to think where my mom got this lovely trait of hers! it was sad to see his wood shop with some of his unfinished projects and all of his tools that he loved so much. hopefully he is pounding away up in heaven!
update on small other things...
face cream - i found one and i love it! Arbonne, it's amazing...everyone should try it
black handbag - found one and love it even more than the face cream...someday soon if i come in under my clothing budget for 3 months...the countdown has begun...
sticking to brad's budget - made some massive improvements over previous months...i am proud of myself!
working out - doing a little better, need to improve - going to the gym tonight!
so other than that - i have just been hanging out with brad and not doing anything too crazy!
well, hope everyone has an incredible mother's day and enjoys the weekend.
Posted by brad, kate & ... at 10:41 AM 0 comments