Well, today was a hard day - worst day of the month is another way to put it, today will be remembered as the day Palmer went to be with Cheesy Lady, aka Grandma, and Grandpa. He was so very sick and it was his time to go...he had so many wonderful days of life on this earth, but we will miss him so much. We love you, black dog...
I can't even imagine what my mom is going thru right now, we all loved Palmer, but mom especially loved him. Dogs are just such amazing animals, they are by your side when you need them, they let you know that they love you all the time and they do their best to help you in any way that they can. Palmer was doing that up until the last breathe he took. His eyes just had a don't worry, I already feel better look in them...I will look over you in heaven now - you will always be okay and I will always be in your heart. Even when he was in the most pain, he was comforting us. God love dogs and God please take care of our black dog...get him in touch with Grandpa and Grandma...they will be so excited to see him! RIP PALMER - RIP...
Today was also the day that makes me feel so blessed to have the family that I do, we may be small, but we are powerful. After mom and I went to the vet and said our goodbyes, we met my brother, sister-in-law, niece and brad for dinner. We had a toast to Palmer...to a heaven made of cheese and him being with Grandpa again. Gracyn made us all smile when we thought it wasn't possible and we had a really great time just being with each other when we all needed each other...here is to my amazing family who makes me so proud to be a part of it. I love you all! Mom, you are the strongest woman I know...I love you with all my heart and hope that I am half the woman you are someday!
This was Palmer's favorite way to take a nap, on his back and with his buddy, Grandpa...